Some of these commands require something called a Message ID. You can get a message's ID by enabling Developer Mode on your Discord client under Settings > Appearance > Developer Mode.
Right click on a message and click "Copy ID" to copy it's ID.
/reaction-role settings
View the current reaction role settings for the server.
Manage Roles
/reaction-role set-channel channel
Specify which channel to put reaction messages in.
Manage Roles
/reaction-role create-msg title description
Create a reaction role message in the server's reaction channel using the given title and description.
Manage Roles
/reaction-role remove-msg message id
Remove a reaction message. This also removes all associated reaction roles.
Manage Roles
/reaction-role add-role message id emote role
Add a reaction role to the given reaction message, using the input reaction emote. When reacted to, it will give that person the role.
Manage Roles
You may notice the reaction gets removed after you react. This is completely normal behavior if a role limit is enabled.
/reaction-role del-role message id role
Remove a reaction role from a reaction message.
Manage Roles
/reaction-role edit-msg message id title, description, or color value
Edit a reaction message's title, description, or color.
Manage Roles
Embed Colors use hexadecimal values. Example: #3366FF
/reaction-role limit-roles message id setting
When this is enabled, users will only be allowed 1 role on the given reaction message.
Manage Roles